Tag Archives: community conference tottenham

Community Planning for Tottenham – A Community Conference – 23rd November

12 Oct

A Community Conference

Saturday November 23rd
[Venue to be arranged]
Organised by the Our Tottenham network

To take forward ideas from our April 2013 founding conference for a positive Community Plan for Tottenham and series of mini-plans for places around Tottenham. To be based on our agreed Community Charter and its Action Points, and targeted mainly at members of community groups. Enable community groups to find out more about what’s happened on these issues since then, in the context of what the Council and Developers are doing. Enable the community to learn from successful community-led regeneration and current examples of community plans for sites or facilities in Tottenham and elsewhere. To promote and celebrate our achievements and ‘what works’ for local people.


11. Arrival / registration

11.30am   General introduction / background   Council/developers policies and plans, & Our Tottenham network news

Presentations of positive Community Plan examples – from outside Haringey (eg Coin St), then from around Tottenham (eg Wards Corner, Broadwater Farm estate & Lordship Rec, Bull Lane Playing Fields, Selby Centre etc)

12.30pm  Workshops – 1st session: WHAT COULD BE DONE AROUND TOTTENHAM?
Break out groups all discussing what has been presented so far, sharing ideas and experiences. What are the key themes (see Charter), issues and possibilities for sites around Tottenham and for Tottenham as a whole?

1.15pm  Brief break —————

1.30pm  Workshops – 2nd session   HOW TO DO IT? THE PRINCIPLES, TACTICS AND STRATEGIES
Break out groups discussing aspects of developing popular/successful local community plans for sites/facilities:
a.  Developing community visions and turning them into Plans;
b.  Accessing and pressing for the funding/resources needed to implement Plans;
c.  Relations with Council and authorities to achieve Plans;
e.  Understanding, using and negotiating legal/planning processes;
f.   Developing partnerships to strengthen Plans;
g.  Mobilising support and exercising our power to achieve Plans

Brief report-backs and any proposals from the 2nd session of workshops

2.50pm  How do we develop a road map for an alternative Community Plan for Tottenham as a whole?  One over-arching plan? Several mini-plans for different areas on the map (eg N/S/E/W/Central Tottenham?). A sector based approach e.g. community buildings; shops and workplaces; green spaces; housing? Practical as well as visionary?

Additional questions to respond to (now and over the next few months) include: Defining what is wrong; what do people really want? What funds are available to develop sites/buildings/facilities in the ways the community want and what more could we get? How do we ensure involvement and support from community groups and the wider public for the process and development of a draft Community Plan? How can we forestall adverse moves by Council/developers in time to prevent things we don’t want from becoming irreversible?

3.30pm  Defining a work-plan and objectives for Community Planning over the next few months. Maybe leading up to an Our Tottenham Recall Conference in April 2014 – with the idea of discussing a draft Community Plan for the whole area or a series of linked mini-plans. Should we set up a Community Planning Working Group? How do we improve our communications and publicity around this issue eg workshops and consultations throughout Tottenham + a Questionnaire?

3.50pm.  Final remarks. Clear up together.